Researcher biography
Ms Cree is interested in research that improves the healthcare of infants and children through evidence-based drug dosing. Ms Cree is a pharmacist with over 20 years of experience in managing critically ill children and infants. She has led the way in the standardization of medication concentration infusions for critically ill children and infants and been integral to the development of the Children’s Resuscitation Emergency Drug Doses (CREDD) for Queensland. Ms Cree is the pharmacist lead for an international sepsis study led by Associate Professor Luregn Schlapbach, which investigates novel medications to improve childhood sepsis outcomes. She was integral to the development and implementation and ongoing management and improvement of digital health record for PICU for Queensland health, providing paediatric medication safety to the most vulnerable. Changing practice in PICU has led to involvement in the Liberation Bundle, where Ms Cree has contributed towards optimising analgesia, providing comfort from sedation and minimising delirium for critically ill children and infants. She was awarded the “Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner” in paediatric critical care by the Pharmacy Practice of Australia.
Research Impact
To advance her research, Ms Cree commenced her Doctorate of Philosophy in 2020, investigating the impacts of life-saving organ support interventions on antimicrobial pharmacokinetics for infants and children. She is supervised by Dr Suzanne Parker, Associate Professor Luregn Schlapbach and Professor Jason Roberts. Little is known about the impacts of paediatric extracorporeal life-saving therapies on antimicrobials. Her research will provide dose guidance for children and infants on extracorporeal life-saving organ support therapies (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and/or extracorporeal continuous renal replacement therapy (ECMO and/or CRRT)).
She has provided medication safety advice and guidance on a state, national and international level on PICU digital health records and dose error reduction software for infusion devices for paediatric patients. Ms Cree has presented at national and international conferences in intensive care, offering advice and assistance to paediatric colleagues. Her involvement in the Liberation Bundle will decrease post-intensive care syndrome for children and infants and hopefully improve the long term quality of life for these children.
Bachelor of Science, The University of Queensland
Bachelor of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland
Graduate Diploma of Clinical Pharmacy, The University of Queensland
Children’s Health Foundation Optimising antimicrobial dosing in critically ill children receiving extracorporeal life support (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and/or renal replacement therapy) Total Grant Amount: $49,759 excl. GST
Research Grant from the Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) Study Education and Research Trust Account (SERTA) Committee. Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Antibiotics and Antifungals (Antimicrobials) in Critically ill children on life-saving therapies (Extracorporeal therapies) Total Grant Amount: $20,000 excl. GST
ORCID https://orcid.orcid.org/0000-0002-8736-9737
Johnston K, Ankravs M, Badman B, Choo L, Cree M, Fyfe R, Roberts J, Xu J, Munro C. Standard of practice in intensive for pharmacy services. Pharmacy Practice Research Journal accepted Feb 2021 https://doi.org/10.1002/jppr.1718
Schlapbach L, Gibbons K, Ridolfi R, Harley A, Cree M et al Resuscitation in Paediatric Sepsis Using Metabolic Resuscitation -A Pilot Randomized Controlled Pilot Study in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (RESPOND PICU): Study Protocol and Analysis Plan. Frontiers in Pediatrics April 2021 https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2021.663435
Yanase F, Schlapbach L, Cree M, McCarthy A, Raman S Bellomo R. Efficacy and safety of parenteral high dose vitamin C therapy in pediatric patients: a scoping review. Ped Crit Care Med J 2021 DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002686
Yanase F, Schlapbach L, Cree M, McCarthy A, Raman S Bellomo R. Efficacy and safety of parenteral high dose vitamin C therapy in pediatric patients: a scoping review. Ped Crit Care Med J 2021
Marshall A, Austin D, Chamberlain D, Chapple L Cree M et al. A Critical Care pandemic staffing framework in Australia. Australian Critical Care J 2020
Cree M, Schlapbach L. Meropenem, are we adequately treating the paediatric critically ill patient? Abstracts World Congress of Intensive Care 2019 Australian Critical Care 2020:33: S24
Cree M, Stocker C, Tu Q, Scaini L. Adherence to standard medication infusion concentrations and its impact on paediatric intensive care patient outcomes. Australian Critical Care J 2018;31(4):213-217.
Cree M. Letter to the editor: International Paediatric Pain Symposium 2010. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 2010; 40(1): 81
Cree M, Stacey S Graham N. Fosfomycin: Investigating possible new routes of administration of an old drug Journal of Cystic Fibrosis accepted for publication Aug 2006 J Cyst Fibros. 2007 May; 6(3): 244-6 :
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