CRE RESPOND Translation team will work to improve patient and health system outcomes by shaping-state-wide health policy and new knowledge and health impact through national and international guidelines.
Aims and objectives
1. Implementation of a translational program to enhance clinical decision-making through an adaptive framework of policy and practice guidelines for dosing interventions. This will further translate the >50 completed projects and >200 publications generated under CRE REDUCE.
2. Support clinicians in Australia and worldwide by continuing to generate new clinical and cost-effectiveness knowledge for optimal antimicrobial treatment in special patient populations.
3. Educate and develop the health and medical research workforce, through interdisciplinary training, targeting practitioners as well as undergraduate medical, pharmacy and nursing students.
4. Build present and future research capacity, beyond the current 22 PhD students, four post-doctoral fellows and many clinical trainees trained under CRE REDUCE by:
a. Mentoring a minimum of eight early career researchers who have shown strong capacity for independent research and future leadership roles; and
b. Developing our team of mid-career researchers into international-leaders in translational research to deliver patient-centric care.
5. Foster and grow research capacity that extends beyond Australia and our worldwide network of collaborators (>30 countries), by strengthening collaborations within the Asia-Pacific region.