María Patricia Hernández Mitre (Patty) is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Antimicrobial Optimisation Team led by Professor Jason Roberts at The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR). For Patty, this role is not only her initial professional venture into a field closely aligned with her studies but also her dream job! As part of her role, she is responsible for non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis of Phase I investigational drugs for the pharmaceutical industry, parametric and non-parametric pharmacokinetic modelling for a diverse range of drugs, and comprehensive clinical trial data monitoring and analysis. She also contributes to and supports the activities of the CRE RESPOND Education Program.
Patty’s interest in this field began during her senior year in high school, when she participated in the Chemistry Olympiad and achieved first place at the state level. This accomplishment served as a catalyst for her decision to pursue a degree in Pharmacobiology Chemistry. During the final year of her bachelor’s program, she delved into the field of clinical pharmacokinetics, and consequently, she pursued a Master’s and then a PhD degree in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences. During the final year of her PhD, while she was a visiting research student at UQCCR learning about clinical pharmacy and pharmacometrics techniques, she had the remarkable opportunity to join the Antimicrobial Optimisation Team. This was a truly exceptional opportunity for Patty, however, the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic delayed her plans to move to Brisbane. It wasn’t until this past year that she finally embarked on her professional journey here at UQ.
Patty is currently conducting analyses for the β-Lactam Infusion Group (BLING) III PK/PD sub-study. Additionally, she is leading the data analysis for the Screening Anti-Fungal Exposure in Intensive Care Units (SAFE-ICU) study, a multi-national study across 12 countries that aims to develop optimised antifungal dosing guidelines for ICU patients with life-threatening infections that account for patient characteristics.
Here is a link to Patty’s most recent publication:
Hernández-Mitre MP, Won H, Wallis SC, Parker SL, Roberts JA. Stability of nafamostat in intravenous infusion solutions, human whole blood and extracted plasma: implications for clinical effectiveness studies. Bioanalysis. 2023;15(12):673-681. doi: 10.4155/bio-2023-0040.
She also currently has a couple of interesting manuscripts under review for publication – keep an eye out for these!
One of the highlights of Patty’s career, is that she has had the opportunity to travel the world for scientific conferences, where she has met renowned researchers. She has been fortunate to work closely with experienced colleagues who not only listen carefully to her professional ideas but also put them into action and value her contributions. However, the most meaningful part of her journey has undoubtedly been the invaluable mentorship, guidance and support from Professor Jason Roberts and his team, who have welcomed her as part of their family in Brisbane.
For other people considering a similar career, Patty says, “Follow your dreams, keep an eye out for opportunities, don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it, give it your all, and always aim to be the best version of yourself.”
Outside of work, Patty finds joy in video games, dancing, exploring new places, and spending time with furry companions!