This Pmetrics workshop takes place in Lyon, France.

Organisers and sponsors:

  • Laboratory of Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology, University of Lyon, France
  • University Hospitals of Lyon, Lyon France 
  • AP2 POP association, Lyon, France
  • Laboratory of Applied Pharmacokinetics and Bioinform atics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
  • CRE RESPOND University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


  • Michael Neely , Julian Otalvaro (USC)
  • Sylvain Goutelle, Gérard Lina, Laurent Bourguignon, Romain Garreau (Lyon)
  • Jean Baptiste Woillard (Limoges)
  • Anne Grete Märtson (Liverpool)
  • Jason Roberts, Xin Liu, Patty Mitre (UQ)

Target Audience: up to 30 physicians, pharmacists, clinical microbiologists, biomedical scientists or trainees with an interest in microbiology and pharmacology

Workshop objectives:

  • Understanding the role of PK/PD in setting MIC breakpoints and associated antibiotic dosages
  • Code a published population PK model into Pmetrics R package
  • Run Monte-Carlo simulations with Pmetrics and analyze results for various dosage regimens
  • Perform probability of target attainment (PTA) analysis for an antibiotic/bacteria couple with Pmetrics
  • Identifying PK/PD breakpoints and associated standard and high dosages based on PTA analysis
  • Assessing drug-related and patient-related factors influencing PTA and antibiotic dosages

TO REGISTER and secure your place email and Full registration cost is EUR500 or EUR350 for students.

Preliminary program:


Local Time

Time Zone

UTC Offset

Brisbane (Australia – Queensland)        

Thursday, 6 July 2023 6pm - Saturday, 8 July 2023 12:00 pm


UTC+10 hours

Lyon (France – Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)        

Thursday, 6 July 2023 10am - Friday, 7 July 2023 4:00 pm


UTC+2 hours

Liverpool (United Kingdom – England)        

Thursday, 6 July 2023 9:00 am - Friday, 7 July 2023 3:00 pm 


UTC+1 hour

Los Angeles (USA – California)

Thursday, 6 July 2023 8.30am - Friday, 7 July 2023 7:00 am


UTC-7 hours

Thurday, 6 July 2023

10:00 am CEST

Lyon France

Welcome and review of pre-workshop material

11:00 am CEST

Course #1: Population PK models, nonlinear mixed-effects models

12:00 pm CEST


1:15 pm CEST

Course #2 : Monte-Carlo simulations

2:15 pm CEST

Hands-on #1 : implementing a published model and running a Monte-Carlo simulation with Pmetrics

3:45 pm CEST

Coffee and tea break

4:15 pm CEST

Course #3: PK/PD targets, MIC distributions, MIC breakpoints of antimicrobials

5:00 pm CEST

Course #4: Probability of Target Attainment (PTA), Pharmacodynamic Index (PDI), Cumulative fraction of Response (CFR), and PK/PD breakpoints

5:30 pm CEST



Friday, 7 July 2023

8:30 am CEST

Lyon, France

Hands-on #2: computing PTA for a basic PK model with Pmetrics

10:00 am CEST

Coffee and tea break

10:30 am CEST

Course #5: drug-related and patients-related factors influencing PTA results

11:15 am CEST

Hands-on #3: factors influencing PTA with Pmetrics

12:15 pm CEST


1:30 pm CEST

Course #6: using PK/PD for defining standard and high dosage regimens

2:15  pm CEST

Hands-on #4: identifying effective dosages regimens for continuous and intermittent administration of a beta-lactam with Pmetrics

3:30  pm CEST

Wrap-up and Q&A

4:00 pm CEST


Contact Person (Scientific Programme)
Professor Sylvain Goutelle
Professor of Pharmacology
University of Lyon, France







About Pharmacometric modelling workshops

The pharmacometrics modelling workshop is suitable for health care practitioners involved in complex drug dosing including clinical pharmacists, infectious diseases physicians and researchers, intensive care physicians, transplant physicians and clinical pharmacologists. It is also suitable for clinical researchers including pharmacologists and translational scientists wanting to learn robust methods for the analysis of data from pharmacokinetic studies.


School of Medicine and Pharmacy
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Rockefeller campus
8 avenue Rockefeller
69373 Lyon cedex 08

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