Development of clinical practice guidelines on antimicrobial dosing incorporating new knowledge generated by the CRE REDUCE.
This project will be led by Australian leaders in infectious diseases (CI Turnidge and Slavin), intensive care (CI Peake and Lipman), transplantation (CI Hopkins) and pharmacy (CI Roberts) who each have prominent positions in professional societies and/or advisory roles on national guideline committees (e.g. Therapeutic Guidelines: Antimicrobial – CI Turnidge and Roberts).
The NHMRC-prescribed development process for guideline development will be followed including the formation of a guideline development committee.
We will use our extensive collaborations with bodies such as the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplant (CI Hopkins, AI Chambers), European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (CI Roberts, CI Turnidge, AI Rello) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (CI De Waele, CI Roberts) to ensure global promotion of the new knowledge from this research.