Researcher biography

Research Ambassador, MNHHS, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Burns, Trauma & Critical Research Centre, The University of Queensland. 

Featured projects Duration
Exploring population variability of antimicrobial epithelial lining fluid penetration in patients with VAP.
SaMpling Antibiotics in Renal Replacement Therapy (SMARRT).
National Health and Medical Research Council
Antimicrobial pharmacokinetics in patients with cystic fibrosis, lung and bone marrow transplant.
National Health and Medical Research Council
Pharmacokinetics of Flucloxacillin and Lincomycin in burns patients.
National Health and Medical Research Council
Pharmacokinetics of antifungals in intensive care patients
National Health and Medical Research Council
Pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials in critically ill paediatric patients
National Health and Medical Research Council
Pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials in critically ill obese patients
National Health and Medical Research Council
Therapeutic drug monitoring optimisation of antimicrobial exposures for critically ill, burns and transplant patients.
Continuous versus intermittent beta-lactams administration in critically ill patients with sepsis not receiving renal replacement therapy.
Develop informed consumer groups whose members participate as partners in CRE research projects and processes
Development of clinical practice guidelines on antimicrobial dosing incorporating new knowledge generated by the CRE REDUCE.
PK studies of antimicrobials in patients with VAP, CAP/ PK of antimicrobials
National Health and Medical Research Council
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
National Health and Medical Research Council
BLING III: A phase III randomised controlled trial of continuous beta-lactam infusion compared with intermittent beta-lactam dosing in critically ill patients
National Health and Medical Research Council
Exploring the impact of altered and variable antimicrobial pharmacokinetics on bacterial killing and emergence of bacterial resistance.
National Health and Medical Research Council
The PNEUDOS Study Program: defining novel and individualised antimicrobial dosing regimens for treatment of pneumonia in ICU
National Health and Medical Research Council
Antibiotic penetration into epithelial lining fluid of mechanically ventilated patients with VAP and CAP.