The pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials in patients with obesity remains largely unknown, though it is likely that they diverge significantly from those of the non-obese. This would make the current dosing regimens for obese critically ill patients highly sub-optimal.

This multi-centre study will describe the pharmacokinetics of piperacillin, meropenem and fluconazole in critically ill obese patients.

This project is now complete. Please read the summary of this project. 

Relevant Publications

1. Alobaid, Abdulaziz S, Wallis, Steven C, Jarrett, Paul, Starr, Therese, Stuart, Janine, Lassig-Smith, Melissa, . . . Roberts, Jason A. (2017). Population Pharmacokinetics of Piperacillin in Nonobese, Obese, and Morbidly Obese Critically Ill Patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 61(3), Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, March 2017, Vol.61(3).

DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01276-16

2. Alobaid, Abdulaziz S, Wallis, Steven C, Jarrett, Paul, Starr, Therese, Stuart, Janine, Lassig-Smith, Melissa, . . . Roberts, Jason A. (2016). Effect of Obesity on the Population Pharmacokinetics of Meropenem in Critically Ill Patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60(8), 4577-84.

DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00531-16

3. Alobaid, Abdulaziz S., Brinkmann, Alexander, Frey, Otto R., Roehr, Anka C., Luque, Sonia, Grau, Santiago, . . . Roberts, Jason A. (2016). What is the effect of obesity on piperacillin and meropenem trough concentrations in critically ill patients? Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71(3), 696-702.

DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkv412

4. Alobaid, Abdulaziz S, Wallis, Steven C, Jarrett, Paul, Starr, Therese, Stuart, Janine, Lassig-Smith, Melissa, . . . Roberts, Jason A. (2016). Effect of Obesity on the Population Pharmacokinetics of Fluconazole in Critically Ill Patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60(11), 6550-6557.

DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01088-16

5. Alobaid, Hites, Lipman, Taccone, & Roberts. (2016). Effect of obesity on the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials in critically ill patients: A structured review. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 47(4), 259-268.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2016.01.009



Project members

Jason Roberts

Professor Jason Roberts

UQ Centre for Clinical Research
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
The University of Queensland
Pharmacist Consultant
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

Professor Jeffrey Lipman

Critical Care Research, Translation and Training Lead
Emeritus Professor
UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Professor Sandra Peake

Dissemination Strategy Co-Lead
ICU Physician and Chair of ANSICS-CTG Committee