Pharmacokinetics of Flucloxacillin and Lincomycin in burns patients.
Burns patients require antimicrobial therapy for burn wound cellulitis in 16.3% of admissions.
There is presently little data to describe how effectively first line antimicrobials like flucloxacillin and lincomycin penetrate into the site of infection in the burn wound. In this study, we will use the in vivo sampling technique microdialysis to determine antimicrobial concentrations in burn wound tissue.
This pharmacokinetic data can then be used to develop optimised dosing that ensures therapeutic concentrations at the site of infection which may help prevent the frequently observed prolonged courses of therapy that are used and sometimes eventuate in treatment failure.
1. Vickers, M., Dulhunty, J., Ballard, E., Chapman, P., Muller, M., Roberts, J., & Cotta, M. (2017). Risk factors for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative infection in burn patients. ANZ Journal of Surgery, ANZ journal of surgery, 29 August 2017.
DOI: 10.1111/ans.14144