Administration of beta-lactam antimicrobials by continuous infusion has been proposed as an intervention to improve pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target attainment of these compounds in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.

This study will be powered to mortality (an important patient-centred outcome). The proposed clinical study will be submitted to the NHMRC for Project Grant funding consideration in 2016 as well as to Canadian and European funding bodies.

Relevant publications

Population pharmacokinetic model of piperacillin in critically ill patients and describing interethnic variation using external validation

Sanches, Cristina, Alves, Geisa C. S., Farkas, Andras, da Silva, Samuel Dutra, de Castro, Whocely Victor, Chequer, Farah Maria Drummond, Beraldi-Magalhães, Francisco, Magalhães, Igor Rafael dos Santos, Baldoni, André de Oliveira, Chatfield, Mark D., Lipman, Jeffrey, Roberts, Jason A. and Parker, Suzanne L. (2022). Population pharmacokinetic model of piperacillin in critically ill patients and describing interethnic variation using external validation. Antibiotics, 11 (4) 434, 434. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11040434

Dhaese, Sofie A. M., Roberts, Jason A., Carlier, Mieke, Verstraete, Alain G., Stove, Veronique and De Waele, Jan J. (2017) Population pharmacokinetics of piperacillin continuous infusion in critically ill patients. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 51 4: 594-600. doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2017.12.015

Project members

Jason Roberts

Professor Jason Roberts

UQ Centre for Clinical Research
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
The University of Queensland
Pharmacist Consultant
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

Professor Jeffrey Lipman

Critical Care Research, Translation and Training Lead
Emeritus Professor
UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Professor Rinaldo Bellomo

Dissemination Strategy Co-Lead
NHMRC Practitioner Fellow and ICU Physician, Co-Director
ANZICS Research Centre
David Paterson

Professor David Paterson

Infectious Diseases Research and Translation Lead
NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Infectious Diseases Physician and Director
UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Professor Jan De Waele

European Collaboration Co-Lead
Critical Care Physician
Ghent University Hospital

Dr Sofie Dhaese

Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Ghent University

Professor Jean-Yves Lefrant

European Collaboration Co-Lead
ICU Physician and Chair of AZUREA Research
University of Nîmes