Pharmacometric analysis of antimicrobial pharmacokinetics to propose novel and innovative dosing regimens.

National Health and Medical Research Council

The pharmacometric analyses to be undertaken in this project will drive the clinical value of several of the objectives of this CRE. 

Data of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic exposures that prevent the emergence of resistance from Project 1 will be combined with the associated clinical PK data in Projects 2-8 to propose novel and innovative dosing regimens for the tested drugs and pathogens. These dosing regimens can be designed to reliably achieve the target antimicrobial exposures in plasma or at the target site of infection (e.g. ELF for pneumonia).


Project members

Jason Roberts

Professor Jason Roberts

UQ Centre for Clinical Research
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
The University of Queensland
Pharmacist Consultant
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital

Associate Professor Cornelia Landersdorfer

Research Lead for Scientists
NHMRC Career Development Fellow
Monash University