Associate Professor Cornelia Landersdorfer

Associate Professor Cornelia Landersdorfer leads the Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Dosage regimen optimisation research group at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. She obtained her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Wuerzburg (2006), completed postdoctoral studies in PK/PD modelling at the State University of New York (SUNY), and worked as a Scientist at Ordway Research Institute & the Institute for Clinical Pharmacodynamics (ICPD), NY. In 2011 she joined MIPS. She has since been awarded an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship and the ASCEPT Denis Wade J&J New Investigator Award. In 2018, Cornelia received the prestigious Georgina Sweet Award for Women in Quantitative Biomedical Science. In 2020 she was awarded the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Impact award. She has led and is leading NHMRC Project and Ideas grants and is the Project Director of a large NIH clinical PK modelling contract. Associate Professor - Centre for Medicine Use and Safety.
Researcher biography
Senior Research Fellow, NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (CDF)- Industry Drug Delivery, Disposition and Dynamics, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
View Researcher Profile
Featured projects | Duration |
Exploring the impact of altered and variable antimicrobial pharmacokinetics on bacterial killing and emergence of bacterial resistance. National Health and Medical Research Council |
SaMpling Antibiotics in Renal Replacement Therapy (SMARRT). National Health and Medical Research Council |
Pharmacometric analysis of antimicrobial pharmacokinetics to propose novel and innovative dosing regimens. National Health and Medical Research Council |
PK studies of antimicrobials in patients with VAP, CAP/ PK of antimicrobials National Health and Medical Research Council |
The PNEUDOS Study Program: defining novel and individualised antimicrobial dosing regimens for treatment of pneumonia in ICU National Health and Medical Research Council |