CRE REDUCE will hold a symposium at the RBWH Education Centre - Seminar Room 1 - on November 16.
The seminar coincides with the Antibiotic Awareness Week - an initiative endorsed by WHO and ACSQH - aiming to increase awareness of global antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers.
The symposium will commence at 10:30 and include presentations from Professor Jeffrey Lipman, Director of Intensive Care Services at RBWH and the Director of BTCCRC and Professor Mark Schembri - Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences at the University of Queensland.
Both speakers will offer contextual perspectives on bacterial biofilms, define what bacterial biofilms are and their implications for treatment and emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
The symposium will conclude at 11:30 with a light lunch to be served. RSVPs are essential for catering purposes.
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