The Clinician Researcher

18 May 2018

Dr Jayesh Dhanani is an intensive care specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital since 2009. Originally from Pune, Maharashtra state in India, he qualified as a Respiratory physician in 2001.

With special interest in respiratory medicine due to his training background, Dr Dhanani embarked on a PhD in 2014 with Prof. Jason Roberts as the chief supervisor. The main focus of the PhD study is the disposition of nebulised tobramycin with mechanical ventilation.

The PhD is composed of four different studies, each forming a part of an incremental model of study. There were two in vitro and two in vivo studies. In the first study, Dr Dhanani looked at the relative recovery rates using microdialysis system for vancomycin and tobramycin. The second study involved using an adult mechanical ventilation simulation model. Two formulations of tobramycin (100 mg/ml and 40 mg/ml) were nebulized and the drug captured on a filter to be analyzed for the measurements of the effectiveness of the nebulization. The in vivo studies were performed in a mechanically ventilated sheep model. Radiolabeled tobramycin was injected intravenously and nebulized in the sheep and gamma camera was used to quantify the regional lung distribution. Finally, microdialysis catheters were inserted in the lungs in the ventilated sheep, tobramycin was injected and nebulized separately and samples were collected over 8 hours. All the studies are completed, as of April 2018.

During the PhD, Dr Dhanani presented the protocol and limited data at two forums- the Prince Charles Hospital Foundation and the official launch of the CRE REDUCE. A review of literature was published in Critical Care 2016. The in vitro study using two tobramycin solutions was published recently in Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. There are four other papers that have been submitted and under review by the journals. The milestones for the PhD- confirmation, mid-candidature review and the Thesis review have been completed successfully. After a final editing, the aim is to submit the thesis for examination by mid to late June 2018.

